
It is August 2024 and I have decided to write and post about techs I learn and know. First few posts will be bad but I am hoping as I go along, writing them becomes second nature.

There are few reasons as to why this section exists and why I decided to give it a go. For potential hiring managers, this is an extension of my CV, providing an insight into my work and abilities. Secondly, it is also a way for me to reflect on my journey in a few years. And if anyone stumbles upon these and finds them helpful, that's an added bonus.

FastAPI, Postgres and Redis backend project deployed in local Kubernetes cluster

I hosted my FPL project that is built on Fast API, PostgreSQL, Redis in my local Kubernetes cluster hosted on Ubuntu.

A Boring Browser Game

A react-powered browser game where all you have to do is click the button.

Using Supabase to power a React-based browser game

To learn how to use supabase, I created a clicking game based on Next.js, which was more fun than expected.

Fantasy Premier League Data Dashboard with FastAPI, Postgres, Redis and Nextjs

I don’t like the way Premier League presents data so for personal use I created a data dashboard for Fantasy Premier League

Hosting Kubernetes cluster locally in an Ubuntu server

Hosting a Kubernetes cluster in an Ubuntu server locally, bootstrapped using Kubeadm, Containerd as a run-time and Calico as pods network add-on.

Kubernetes Cluster on Docker Desktop: Express.js Deployment

Deploying an Express.js application on a single-node kubernetes cluster using Docker Desktop. The post also covers further key k8s concepts such as services, scaling, rolling updates and rollbacks.

Getting familiar with Kubernetes using minikube

A single-node kubernetes cluster using minikube and docker from the official kubernetes documentation.

Psycopg3: Separate connections vs Connection Pool

Using Psycopg3 for my personal project, I went into the rabbit-hole of experimenting the performance of single connection object vs connection pool for my use case.

Using Pydantic to validate and serialize remote data

As part of my FPL Dashboard project, I used Pydantic with FastAPI for validation and serialization.

Notion powered Next.js application with Tailwind CSS, hosted on Vercel

I created a Nextjs Integration for Notion database using the official SDK. This post goes into the details.