It is August 2024 and I have decided to write and post about techs I learn and know. First few posts will be bad but I am hoping as I go along, writing them becomes second nature.
There are few reasons as to why this section exists and why I decided to give it a go. For potential hiring managers, this is an extension of my CV, providing an insight into my work and abilities. Secondly, it is also a way for me to reflect on my journey in a few years. And if anyone stumbles upon these and finds them helpful, that's an added bonus.
I hosted my FPL project that is built on Fast API, PostgreSQL, Redis in my local Kubernetes cluster hosted on Ubuntu.
A react-powered browser game where all you have to do is click the button.
To learn how to use supabase, I created a clicking game based on Next.js, which was more fun than expected.
I don’t like the way Premier League presents data so for personal use I created a data dashboard for Fantasy Premier League
Hosting a Kubernetes cluster in an Ubuntu server locally, bootstrapped using Kubeadm, Containerd as a run-time and Calico as pods network add-on.
Deploying an Express.js application on a single-node kubernetes cluster using Docker Desktop. The post also covers further key k8s concepts such as services, scaling, rolling updates and rollbacks.
A single-node kubernetes cluster using minikube and docker from the official kubernetes documentation.
Using Psycopg3 for my personal project, I went into the rabbit-hole of experimenting the performance of single connection object vs connection pool for my use case.
As part of my FPL Dashboard project, I used Pydantic with FastAPI for validation and serialization.
I created a Nextjs Integration for Notion database using the official SDK. This post goes into the details.